
Issue #1 AI Pixels - The Year 2023

Author: Sam Netherwood, Eilidh McMenemie

As we kick start 2024 we wanted to look back fondly at some of the events which shaped our world in 2023. We hope you enjoy our first issue of AI Pixels below.

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Our 'AI Pixels' comic I've shared with you here was created with Dalle.

Before the festive break we were doing a lot with image generation. We explored different prompting and meta-prompting techniques to achieve compositions that were able to meet expectations, especially when the image needs to convey something specific. We'll tell you more about our experience as the project progresses but, one thing that I've found can work really well, is the 4W1H prompt structure set out by Christine C.

Essentially, you're breaking down your prompt into different elements which describe 'what, who, where, when and how'. 'AI Pixels' used the following prompt structure.

- 'What' described the category of image (a comic book in this case) and general composition
- 'Who' set out the characters that should appear in the image and their relationships to each other
- 'Where' described the setting the characters should be in
- 'When' described aspects of the image/ interaction such as time of day
- 'How' gave general art direction. In this case, using a seed parameter we use for our image generation at Tomoro and some notes on how the image should be rendered.

It's a useful framing to help steer creative input and reduce the likelihood of having to re-generate images that don't meet a (relatively) specific need.

If you have any questions feel free to discuss further with us here.

Tomoro works with the most ambitious business & engineering leaders to realise the AI-native future of their organisation. We deliver agent-based solutions which fit seamlessly into businesses’ workforce; from design to build to scaled deployment.

Founded by experts with global experience in delivering applied AI solutions for tier 1 financial services, telecommunications and professional services firms, Tomoro’s mission is to help pioneer the reinvention of business through deeply embedded AI agents.

Powered by our world-class applied AI R&D team, working in close alliance with Open AI, we are a team of proven leaders in turning generative AI into market-leading competitive advantage for our clients.

We’re looking for a small number of the most ambitious clients to work with in this phase, if you think your organisation could be the right fit please get in touch.